Eén van de must reads als het gaat om marketing en communicatie gericht op de babyboomer doelgroep is 'Advertising to babyboomers' van Chuck Nuyren. Een goeroe op dit vakgebied. Een man die weet waar hij het over heeft. Zijn boek is in Nederland bij de betere boekhandel verkrijgbaar, maar inmiddels ook als pdf te downloaden van de website van Paramount books. Ideaal als je passages wilt gebruiken om te quoten in eigen werk, tabellen wilt overnemen of even snel dat ene stukje wilt opzoeken waar je bij het lezen zo enthousiast van werd. Helaas niet gratis, maar wel de moeite waard.
8 opmerkingen:
Op Internet kan men omtrent dit boek ook wel enige kritiek vinden. Met name het ontbreken van onderzoeksbronnen (wat ook bij Ageless Marketing van Stroud het geval is) degraderen uitspraken in enekele gevallen tot meningen van de auteur die uit eigen ervaring schrijft.
Het is natuurlijk nog steeds wel 'best practice' omdat er in de rest van de wereld weinig marketingliteratuur m.b.t. dit onderwerp verschijnt.
Complimenten voor je blog.
Helemaal met je eens Martijn. Bij gebrek aan beter zijn we helaas wel op deze mannen aangewezen. En wat ze zeggen is in mijn ogen grotendeels waar. Maar...best practice it is...Wat ik zelf doe is waar nodig aannames later met eigen onderzoek ondersteunen. Of met onderzoek van anderen.
Dank voor je complimenten. Mag ik vragen waar je interesse voor deze doelgroep vandaan komt?
De interesse is bedrijfsmatig en je kan bijna stellen dat we collega's zijn. Samen met een compagnon hebben we een bureau dat producten en diensten ontwikkelt, bedrijven adviseert in de kansen van de demografische verschuiving en actief de ondernemers aan de doelgroep van baby boomers/50plussers koppelt.
De website is www.actived.nl. Ik heb je er nog niet eerder op gewezen omdat er eigenlijk nog een hoop updating gedaan moet worden. We ontplooien inmiddels veel meer projecten en kalnten hebben die we er graag op zetten maar gebrek aan tijd...ach je kent het wel.
Ik zal je een mail sturen met mijn contactgegevens.
How much fun it is to see people write about my book in another language - even thought I don't understand it! Thanks for posting about it, Arjan.
My book is about advertising, not research. I actually pour over research - but there are other books that talk about research. Dick Stroud's 50+ Market is a good one, probably the best.
Let me take a defensive posture about my book (not that I think it needs defending - it's been getting good reviews and The Advertising Educational Foundation picked it as a classroom resource - quite an honor). For argument's sake, I'll downplay research:
Most of what I said in the original edition of my book, published in 2005, along with articles I wrote three and four years ago, has now been backed up by rather rigorous 'research'. Read these two posts in my blog:
Unilever Resuscitates the Demo Left for Dead
Wrapping Up The Year
And there are more posts about more research - backing up what I was talking about before the onslaught of surveys.
So please - comment on my book lacking 'research' - then years later read all the research that says the same things that I said - along with Brent Green, David Wolfe, and others.
Please. Be behind the curve.
Or, take a cue from Euro RSCG Worldwide's David Jones:
Ignore the Research and Trust Your Gut
Do I really believe it's as black and white as all that? Of course not. Let me state again: I pour over research.
"Research can trap you into the past." -- Bill Bernbach
It was a very positive post Chuck, thank you for your reply and valuable links. Martijn's comment was in fact about the lack of (scientific) research backing your opinions, wich you obviously downplayed in your comment.
I will stick to my opinion, your book is clearly a must read. Especially since there is no equivalent in Dutch.
Dear Mr. Nyren, I am sorry if I have offended you in any way as I am very positive about your book. I merely stated a critical note that I saw backed-up on the Internet.
I have read yours and other books on the subject and I agree with a lot that is being said in there as they are in line with my own vision. This vision I am seeing confirmed every day in my job and sometimes I have to adjust a little.
However I also feel that statements can easily be confused with opinions and one should be aware of this. Arjan and I agreed that whatever the critisism, it is still one of the best books out there but we also would be bad at our jobs if we wouldn't be critical on our information resources.
Sony CEO Morita who brought us the walkman once said: "If you can research a market, you are too late". So Yes, you can and should be in front of the market but it should also be clear which is vision and which are facts. I also mentioned the same thing for Stroud in my post.
Thanks for posting here and please keep up the good work as your book is an inspiration to many entrepeneurs.
I think the nature of blogging is to leave comments - and expect people to answer them. I wasn't really upset. I merely wanted to answer the comment.
And I am known as a troublemaker. I criticize many ad campaigns and companies and organizations in my blog.
The Boomer Consumer by Matt Thornhill and John Martin should be available next month. This is an excellent book by a research company: The Boomer Project. Also top-notch is Marti Barletta's Prime Time Women - also a book with a great deal of focus-study research.
I sent an email to Arjan telling him that in September I may be in Utrecht for one day. With me will be Brent Green (Marketing to Leading-Edge Baby Boomers) and Carol Orsborn of Fleishman/Hillard who co-wrote Boom - a book about boomer women consumers. A quick coffee is about all we'll have time for probably - but I'd be happy to introduce you to them. If it happens, we'll be on a ten-day, seven city tour of Europe.
Thanks for explaining. I rather talk to troublemakers as they tend to have more experience in life. The problem with forums/blogs and the like is the lack of body language. Furthermore we haven't met before so it's difficult to understand eachothers intentions. But..now we have that cleared out of the way I must say I think it's very nice to see you particpating on Arjan's blog and to see that your Dutch is coming along quite nicely.
Meeting you for a coffee would be great! Ofcourse I will confer with Arjan as he is the one with the blog bringing all together. Arjan and I have planned an introduction meeting as we haven't met before either.
Hopefully your fast trip to the lovely cities of Europe will make you come back for more in the future.
Meanwhile I will try to participate in the discussions on your blog.
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