Waar we in Nederland nog steeds met smart wachten op een goed en praktisch hanteerbaar boek over babyboomermarketing verschijnen ze in Amerika aan de lopende band. Naast het eerder besproken boek van Carol Osborn over marketing gericht op de machtigste consumenten van allemaal; babyboomer vrouwen, is het nu de beurt aan Trendsight directrice Marti Berletta met haar 'Prime Time Women'. Seniorenmarketing autoriteit Brent Green zegt op zijn blog het volgende over Marti's boek.
" Now Marti has introduced a third significant marketing book. Get your highlighters ready. This book provides unique focus on the Boomer market, with emphasis on women and how they differ from their male peers. As Marti observes, “I believe the difference in men’s and women’s midlife experience is not rooted in a difference in underlying human development, but rather stems from three simple circumstances: more control, more support, and believe it or not, menopause. From this jumping off point, you have to keep reading! Marti doesn’t just provoke readers, although she’s good at it; she delivers keen insights and analysis backed by consumer research and thoughtful case study assessments. She does this in a breezy writing style that comes across as an intelligent conversation rather than a grinding polemic. Her advice for marketers is solid and substantial. As we liked to say in the 70s, Marti Barletta has her act together. This perceptive marketing book is also a social statement that middle-aged women (and the men who love them) can heartily embrace."
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